If you have a life, you will lose it playing this game...
Ive been playing this game for over 5 years. The first year, it was great; the use of smarts and strategy would determine how successful you were. I was an esteemed "Royal Knight" and life in KA was good. Since Gree took over Funzio, the game has morphed into "he who spends the most, wins"- no skill at all. Its all about those willing to spend the equivalent of a car or house payment a month who are the most powerful/successful. If you really want to be a power player in KA, be prepared to sacrifice your relationships with your wife/husband/kids/dog/cat, etc, as this game requires you to pay more and more attention to the next limited time quest/war/boss event.
I used to be a pretty powerful player, but got tired of constant "work" to keep my powerful standing/stats. I then played for the social aspects, as I have met some nice peeps from around the world, but recently the game takes forever to load, freezes up on me constantly and is no fun anymore. I will be leaving my guild soon and casting my kingdom adrift, its just not fun or worth it anymore...
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Kingdom Age, v3.7.2